Public Domain Movies | The Black Godfather

The plot of "The Black Godfather" centers around a powerful and influential African American crime lord named J.J. (played by Rod Perry). J.J. is a charismatic and shrewd figure who controls a criminal empire in Los Angeles. He is known for his intelligence, street smarts, and ability to manipulate and navigate the criminal underworld.

As the film unfolds, it follows J.J.'s efforts to maintain his criminal empire and power in the face of various challenges. These challenges include rival criminal organizations, corrupt law enforcement, and personal vendettas. J.J. also forms a mentorship relationship with a younger hustler, Toney (played by Damu King), whom he grooms to become a successful figure in the world of crime.

"The Black Godfather" delves into themes of power, crime, loyalty, and the dynamics within the criminal underworld. The film is known for its depiction of a strong and charismatic African American character who is at the center of the narrative, and it reflects the blaxploitation genre's focus on African American stories and characters (1974).

Director: John Evans

Stars: Rod Perry, Damu King, Don Chastain

The Black Godfather (1974) on IMDb