Public Domain Movies | Bloodtide

The story begins with the arrival of an archaeological expedition on a Greek island. The team, led by Neil Grice (played by James Earl Jones), is there to explore the ancient ruins on the island.

Ancient Curse: As the expedition progresses, they uncover an ancient tomb that is said to hold the remains of an evil sea monster. The tomb contains a warning not to disturb the creature's remains.

Desecration of the Tomb: Despite the warning, the tomb is desecrated by the archaeologists. This act inadvertently awakens the vengeful sea monster, a gorgon-like creature with supernatural powers.

Terror Unleashed: The sea monster begins to wreak havoc on the island, terrorizing the inhabitants and the members of the expedition. It has the power to control and manipulate marine life, leading to gruesome and deadly attacks.

Battle for Survival: Neil Grice, along with the other survivors, must find a way to stop the sea monster and break the curse that has been unleashed. The film becomes a battle for survival as they face the relentless and supernatural adversary (1982).

Director: Richard Jefferies

Stars: James Earl Jones, José Ferrer, Lila Kedrova

Bloodtide (1982) on IMDb