Public Domain Movies | Bonnies Kids

The story revolves around two half-siblings, Myron (played by Scott Brady) and Shirley (played by Tiffany Bolling), who have a strained relationship with their stepfather, Bonnie. Myron, a petty criminal, learns that their stepfather has stashed a substantial amount of money, and he persuades Shirley to help him find and steal it.

To fund their plan, Myron recruits his friend, Amon (played by Timothy Brown), to assist with the robbery. As they begin their search for the money, they uncover a web of deception, deceit, and criminal activity involving various people in their small town.

The film explores the themes of betrayal, greed, and the consequences of a life of crime. As the story unfolds, the characters are drawn deeper into a world of violence, danger, and moral ambiguity. They must confront the choices they've made and the price they might pay for their actions (1972).

Director: Arthur Marks

Stars: Scott Brady, Tiffany Bolling, Timothy Brown

Bonnie's Kids (1972) on IMDb