Public Domain Movies | Bowery Blitzkrieg

The story follows the adventures of the East Side Kids, a group of streetwise teenagers led by Muggs McGinnis (played by Leo Gorcey) and Glimpy Stone (played by Huntz Hall). In this installment, the boys find themselves caught up in a series of events involving boxing, gang rivalries, and a stolen necklace.

The film begins with the East Side Kids discovering that their friend Danny, a talented amateur boxer, has been framed for a crime he didn't commit. Determined to clear Danny's name, Muggs and the gang set out to find the real culprits and uncover the truth.

Their investigation leads them to a boxing gym owned by Joe Jordan (played by Bobby Jordan), where they encounter a rival gang led by a tough guy named Monk Martin (played by Bobby Stone). Monk and his gang are involved in a scheme to steal a valuable necklace belonging to Jordan's girlfriend, Judy (played by Joan Barclay).

As the plot unfolds, the East Side Kids become embroiled in a series of comedic confrontations with Monk and his gang, as well as with the police. Along the way, they engage in slapstick humor, witty banter, and physical comedy, typical of the "East Side Kids" series.

The climax of the film occurs during a boxing match where Danny faces off against Monk's henchman, Knuckles (played by Dave O'Brien). In a thrilling showdown, Danny proves his innocence and emerges victorious, while Muggs and the gang expose Monk's gang and recover the stolen necklace (1941).

Director: Wallace Fox

Stars: Leo Gorcey, Bobby Jordan, Huntz Hall

Bowery Blitzkrieg (1941) on IMDb