Public Domain Movies | Dead Man Drinking

Charlie (played by David Nash), a middle-aged man who is struggling with alcohol addiction. Charlie's life is spiraling out of control, and his relationships with family and friends are strained due to his excessive drinking.

One day, Charlie receives a mysterious package containing a bottle of wine. When he opens the bottle and takes a drink, he is shocked to discover that it contains the spirit of his deceased friend, Martin (played by Mike Starr), who also had a history of alcoholism. Martin informs Charlie that he has been sent back from the afterlife to help Charlie get his life back on track.

Initially, Charlie is skeptical of the supernatural events and doesn't believe that Martin's spirit is real. However, as he continues to drink from the bottle, he experiences encounters and conversations with Martin that challenge his beliefs and habits. Charlie must confront his past mistakes and come to terms with his addiction.

As Charlie spends more time with Martin's spirit, he begins to reevaluate his life and his relationships. The film explores the complexities of addiction and the ways in which it can affect not only the individual but also those around them. It delves into the themes of forgiveness, self-discovery, and the potential for personal transformation (2008).

Director: Rohan Harris

Stars: Jen Greiss, Peter Love, Hannah Moltoni

Dead Man Drinking (2008) on IMDb