Public Domain Movies | Embryo

The story centers around Dr. Paul Holliston (played by Rock Hudson), a brilliant scientist working in a cutting-edge laboratory. Holliston is on the verge of a groundbreaking discovery in the field of genetics. He has developed a technique that allows him to accelerate the growth of living organisms, including animals and human embryos, to full maturity in a matter of weeks.

During his research, Holliston comes into contact with a dying pregnant woman who is beyond the point of viability. He successfully extracts the unborn baby from the woman's womb and transfers it to an artificial womb in his lab. The baby rapidly grows to full term in just a few weeks, leading to the birth of a healthy, fully grown woman named Victoria (played by Barbara Carrera).

As Victoria grows and learns, it becomes evident that she possesses an exceptional intelligence and an accelerated rate of learning. Holliston acts as a father figure and mentor to Victoria, guiding her through her rapid maturation. However, as Victoria develops emotionally and physically, it becomes clear that she has unique and potentially dangerous abilities.

The film delves into the moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding genetic experimentation and the consequences of playing with the natural order of life. It also explores the relationship between Victoria and Dr. Holliston, as well as the challenges she faces in adjusting to the world (1976).

Director: Ralph Nelson

Stars: Rock Hudson, Barbara Carrera, Diane Ladd

Embryo (1976) on IMDb