Public Domain Movies | Emma Goldman an Exceedingly Dangerous Woman

The documentary provides an in-depth look at the life and work of Emma Goldman (1869-1940), an anarchist, political activist, and writer. Emma Goldman was known for her involvement in various social and political movements, including the labor movement, women's rights, and the struggle for free speech and workers' rights.

The film uses a combination of historical footage, photographs, and interviews with historians and experts to paint a comprehensive portrait of Emma Goldman. It delves into her early life as an immigrant from Russia and her radicalization in the United States. It explores her association with other famous activists and thinkers of her time, including Alexander Berkman and Eugene V. Debs.

"Emma Goldman: An Exceedingly Dangerous Woman" also examines Goldman's advocacy for birth control and her role in the labor and free speech movements, including her involvement in the famous Haymarket affair and her opposition to the United States' involvement in World War I. The film highlights her fearless and controversial speeches and writings, which often led to her arrest and deportation from the United States (2004).

Director: Mel Bucklin

Stars: Blair Brown, Nathaniel Carlson, Linda Emond