Public Domain Movies

Public Domain Movies | The Gangs all Here

The story revolves around Edie Allen, a young woman who works as a singer at a nightclub. Edie is engaged to Andy Mason, a soldier serving overseas during World War II.

While Andy is away, Edie becomes acquainted with a Brazilian entertainer named Dorita. Dorita is performing at the same nightclub. Dorita is known for her extravagant costumes, colorful personality, and lively musical numbers.

As Edie and Dorita become friends, they find themselves embroiled in a romantic triangle with Andy. Andy is initially unaware of Edie's involvement with Dorita and becomes jealous of their friendship.

Meanwhile, the nightclub owner, Tony faces financial difficulties. He considers selling the club to a wealthy businessman named Jim. Edie and Dorita, along with their friends and fellow performers, rally together to save the club from being sold.

Throughout the film, audiences are treated to a series of elaborate musical and dance numbers. Choreographed by Busby Berkeley, featuring Carmen Miranda's signature samba performances and Alice Faye's soulful singing.

As the plot unfolds, misunderstandings and romantic complications ensue. They lead to a climactic resolution where love triumphs over jealousy and the nightclub is saved from closure (1943).

Director: Bubsy Berkeley

Stars: Alice Faye,Carmen Miranda,Phil Baker

The Gang's All Here (1943) on IMDb