Public Domain Movies | Idaho Transfer

in a bleak future where the Earth's environment has been devastated by ecological disasters, and the human population is on the verge of extinction. The government has developed a time-travel experiment that allows individuals to be transported to the past or future in the hope of finding a more hospitable environment.

A group of young people, including Karen Braden (played by Kelley Bohanon) and her brother Jeff (played by Kevin Hearst), are selected to participate in the time-travel experiment. They are sent to the year 1976, where they must adapt to a world very different from the one they left behind.

The young time travelers encounter challenges and dangers in their new time period, including the threat of a deadly virus. As they attempt to survive and navigate their way in the past, they are haunted by the memories of the apocalyptic future they left behind.

The film explores themes of environmental degradation, the consequences of human actions, and the impact of time travel on individuals' lives and relationships. It also delves into the psychological and emotional toll of living in a world that is rapidly deteriorating (1973).

Director: Peter Fonda

Stars: Kelly Bohanon, Kevin Hearst, Caroline Hildebrand

Idaho Transfer (1973) on IMDb