Public Domain Movies | The Impossible Voyage

The film begins with Méliès as himself, presenting a lecture about the possibilities of space travel. He demonstrates the concept of a voyage to the moon using a large balloon.

Méliès' balloon carries him, his crew, and the audience on an adventurous descent to the Earth's core, where they encounter bizarre creatures and landscapes.

Along the way, the travelers encounter famous historical figures, such as Cleopatra and her entourage, Julius Caesar, and Napoleon.

The travelers find themselves in ancient Egypt, where they confront the Sphinx and other ancient wonders.

The adventurers reach the United States, where they are greeted by Native Americans and the Statue of Liberty (1904).

Director: L.Q. Jones

Stars: Don Johnson, Jason Robards, Susanne Benton

An Impossible Voyage (1904) on IMDb