Public Domain Movies | Legacy of Blood

the death of wealthy patriarch Malcolm (played by Rodolfo Acosta). Following his death, his surviving family members gather to hear the reading of his will, which takes place in an old, dark, and eerie mansion. As the family members assemble, it becomes clear that they have had a contentious relationship with Malcolm and each other.

Malcolm's will contains a sinister twist: in order to inherit his fortune, the family members must spend the night in the mansion. This stipulation sets the stage for a series of horrifying and deadly events. As the night progresses, the family members are subjected to a series of murders and gruesome deaths.

The film explores themes of greed, betrayal, and the consequences of past actions as the family members are terrorized by an unknown assailant or force. The mansion itself is filled with secrets and hidden passages, adding to the mystery and suspense (1971).

Director: Andy Milligan

Stars: Elaine Boies, Louise Gallandra, Jeannie Cusick

Legacy of Blood (1978) on IMDb