Public Domain Movies | The New Adventures of Tarzan

"The New Adventures of Tarzan," a 1935 film serial, brings Edgar Rice Burroughs' iconic jungle hero to the screen in a thrilling new adventure. Starring Herman Brix as Tarzan, the story follows the legendary ape-man as he embarks on a quest to rescue a young woman named Mary Trevor, played by Ula Holt, from the clutches of a dangerous cult led by the villainous Raglan. Set against the lush backdrop of the African wilderness, Tarzan swings into action, battling wild animals, treacherous terrain, and hostile tribes in his relentless pursuit of justice. With its breathtaking stunts, exotic locales, and timeless sense of adventure, "The New Adventures of Tarzan" captures the spirit of Burroughs' classic tales, offering audiences a thrilling escapade into the heart of the untamed jungle (1935).

Director: Francis Ford Coppola

Stars: William Campbell, Luana Anders, Bart Patton

The New Adventures of Tarzan (1935) on IMDb