Public Domain Movies | The Swinging Cheerleaders

The plot of "The Swinging Cheerleaders" follows a young college student named Kate (played by Jo Johnston) who decides to infiltrate the college cheerleading squad as an undercover journalist. She wants to expose the dark underbelly of college sports, including corruption, drug use, and sexual harassment. Kate disguises herself as a cheerleader and gets involved with the team to investigate and report on their activities.

As Kate becomes part of the cheerleading squad, she discovers the various issues and scandals within the group, including the exploitation of the cheerleaders for financial gain. The film explores themes of sexism, exploitation, and power dynamics in the world of cheerleading and college sports.

Despite the film's provocative title and exploitative elements, it also touches on social commentary and critiques the state of college athletics during that time. It's important to note that "The Swinging Cheerleaders" is not a traditional sports or cheerleading film but rather a product of the 1970s exploitation cinema that often incorporated controversial and sensational themes (1974).

Director: Jack Hill

Stars: Jo Johnston, Cheryl Smith, Colleen Camp

The Swinging Cheerleaders (1974) on IMDb