Public Domain Movies | Teenagers from Outer Space

The plot revolves around a group of extraterrestrial teenagers who arrive on Earth with a mission to prepare the planet for the arrival of their giant lobster-like creature called the "Gorgon." However, one of the aliens rebels against the mission and befriends a human girl, leading to a conflict between the extraterrestrials and the people of Earth.

The film is notable for its amateurish production values, including cheesy special effects and low-budget sets. Despite its shortcomings, or perhaps because of them, "Teenagers from Outer Space" has gained a cult following over the years among fans of B-movies and those who appreciate the unintentional humor often associated with such films. (1959).

Director: Tom Graeff

Stars: David Love, Dawn Bender, Bryan Grant

Teenagers from Outer Space (1959) on IMDb