Public Domain Movies | The Boy in the Plastic Bubble

The story revolves around a young man named Tod Lubitch (played by John Travolta), who was born with a severely compromised immune system. Due to his condition, any exposure to the outside world could be life-threatening, and he must live inside a sterile, plastic bubble-like environment in his home to avoid contact with germs and contaminants.

Tod's parents, Mark (played by Robert Reed) and Gina (played by Diana Hyland), have done their best to provide him with a loving and nurturing environment within his bubble. They also provide him with education and social interaction to the extent that it is possible, but Tod's life is largely isolated.

As Tod enters his teenage years, he becomes increasingly curious about the outside world and longs to experience a more normal life. He dreams of attending school, making friends, and exploring the world beyond his bubble.

The Lubitch family faces difficult decisions about Tod's future and his desire for greater independence. His parents must grapple with the emotional and practical challenges of balancing their son's safety with his need for a more fulfilling life.

"The Boy in the Plastic Bubble" explores themes of isolation, love, and the human desire for connection and freedom. The film is loosely based on the life of David Vetter, a real-life boy with a severe immune disorder, who lived in a sterile environment and became known as "the bubble boy (1976).

Director: Randal Kleiser

Stars: John Travolta, Glynnis O'Connor, Robert Reed

The Boy in the Plastic Bubble (1976) on IMDb