Public Domain Movies | The Sadist

Three schoolteachers, Ed, Doris, and Carl, are on their way to a Dodger game in Los Angeles when their car breaks down. Stranded in the desert, they seek help at a nearby gas station. Little do they know that they have stumbled upon the lair of a sadistic killer named Charlie Tibbs and his equally disturbed companions, Judy and Howard. Tibbs is armed with a rifle and revels in the terror he inflicts on his unsuspecting victims.

As the teachers attempt to repair their car, they become hostages to Tibbs and his psychotic cohorts. The film unfolds in real-time as the captives desperately try to outwit their tormentors and escape the clutches of the sadistic trio. The tension builds as the sadist plays mind games with his captives, reveling in their fear and helplessness.(1963).

James Landis

Director: Arch Hall Jr., Helen Hovey, Richard Alden

The Sadist (1963) on IMDb