Public Domain Movies | Cabiria

The story begins with Cabiria (played by Carolina Catena), a young girl from Sicily who is kidnapped by pirates during a raid on her village. She is taken as a slave and sold to various masters, enduring hardship and suffering along the way.

As Cabiria grows older, she finds herself caught up in the tumultuous events of the Second Punic War between Rome and Carthage. She witnesses battles, betrayals, and acts of heroism as she travels across the ancient world, from Sicily to Carthage to Rome.

Along the way, Cabiria encounters a colorful cast of characters, including the noble Roman soldier Fulvius Axilla (played by Umberto Mozzato), the treacherous Carthaginian priest Karthalo (played by Bartolomeo Pagano), and the wise old philosopher Sophonisba (played by Lidia Quaranta).

As the war rages on, Cabiria becomes embroiled in a series of epic adventures and narrow escapes, as she navigates the dangers of the ancient world and searches for freedom and redemption. Along the way, she forms deep bonds of friendship and loyalty with those who help her on her journey.

In a climactic sequence, Cabiria finds herself in peril as she is captured by a group of Carthaginian priests who plan to sacrifice her to the god Moloch. However, she is rescued at the last moment by Fulvius Axilla and his soldiers, who defeat the priests and save her from certain death.

The film concludes with Cabiria's triumphant return to Rome, where she is reunited with her family and loved ones. Despite the hardships she has endured, Cabiria emerges as a symbol of resilience, courage, and hope in the face of adversity (1914).

Director: Giovanni Pastrone

Stars: Italia Almirante-Manzini, Lidia Quaranta, Bartolomeo Pagano

Cabiria (1914) on IMDb